Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Downtown San fran and one picture of chinatown for now

I really wanted to try and capture how beautiful the day was to go run around town and actually do a little shopping. Of course living in Seattle, Wa We can never have to many jackets and The north Face jackets of course were are weapon of choice, aside the Helly Hanson!

While me and John Where waiting for My Sister Jenny(* John's GirlFriend) I got a chance to take some pictures around the area. She worked at Saks 5th, but John needed to return some pants at Sak's 5th for men I got a chance to shoot this before the security camera caught me and i had to run! ..

Of course being the Asians we are we had to take a visit to chinatown. This is one of the many picture i took here. I wanted to get into the street and try to see how much of the strip i could catch. San Fransisco's Chinatown is way more crazier then the Chinatown we have here in Seattle. There will be many more pictures of my San-Fran-Chinatown-Experience to come.

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